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'Thank You' Postcard

Japanese 'Thank You' postcard by artist Nagato Saho
Japanese 'Thank You' postcard by artist Nagato Saho postcard-nagata-sJapanese 'Thank You' postcard by artist Nagato Saho Back of Japanese thank you postcard Back of Japanese thank you postcard Japanese 'Thank You' postcard by artist Nagato Saho Japanese 'Thank You' postcard by artist Nagato Saho

£3.00 each
9 in stock

With beautiful calligraphy and painted flowers, you can send a special Thank You even when you're apart.

Postcards have existed in Japan for as long as there's been a postal system!  Japanese people like to send a hand-written greeting and simple postcards are still popular today.

This one shows the work of calligrapher Nagata Saho with 'arigatou' written in brush strokes on the front and the English translation 'Thank you' beside it.  Below the artwork is his 'hanko' stamp and signature.

The back of this Japanese greetings card features some decorative flower drawings and a blank space for you to write your message.

If you know someone who only ever receives junk in the mail, why not thank them just for being there!

Made in Japan.


Width: 10 cm
Height / Length: 14.5 cm
Brand: Hatsukoi HomeHatsukoi Home

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