Orders sent to addresses outside the UK (non EU, click here if you are in the EU) may be subject to additional taxes, duty and handling charges as they pass through customs in the destination country. Hatsukoi has no control over these fees and they must be paid by the customer before the parcel will be released for delivery.
Additional charges should not apply to low value orders, however, including those marked as a gift. Please check your own country's regulations as to whether your order will be subject to additional custom fees.
In order to help your orders get through customs with the minimum of disruption:
- A customs form will be completed for each order and I have an EORI number (although apparently this is not necessary for normal post).
- The country of origin for almost everything in the Hatsukoi shop is Japan and this will be shown on the customs form.
- If your order is a gift, please select this option in the checkout and it will be marked as such on the customs form*. In most cases gifts below a certain value are not subject to customs charges - please check your own country's rules about gifts.
* Please note that the value of your gift will be shown on the outside of the package on the customs form.