It's so useful to have a tin! You can keep all your trinkets, bits 'n' bobs and whatchamacallits safe and stop them lurking at the bottom of messy drawers. You could even keep tea in it.
This traditional style Japanese tea caddy is tin plated and covered with pretty Japanese washi paper featuring a blue wave and flowers pattern.
The tin has an outer close fitting lid and then an inner tightly fitting lid to ensure that whatever you keep in there stays fresh.
Although traditionally the cannister would be used to store loose leaf tea, you could use it for spices, sugar or other food stuff that needs to be kept air-tight or just use it as a decorative container around the home.
It's difficult to estimate how much tea this tin will hold but I managed to fit in a whole packet of camomile teabags. It should hold the equivalent of a regular packet of loose leaf tea, 125g - 150g.