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Harinacs Staple Free Stapler

Harinacs white staple free stapler
Harinacs white staple free stapler Harinacs white staple free stapler Harinacs white staple free stapler Harinacs white staple free stapler Harinacs white staple free stapler Harinacs white staple free stapler Harinacs white staple free press Harinacs white staple free press with sheets of paper Staplefree press used to join sheets of paper Paper showing the joining crimp made by the Harinacs staple free stapler Harinacs white staple free stapler Harinacs white staple free stapler with packet showing instructions in Japanese Harinacs white staple free stapler on desk

£12.00 each

4 in stock

A clean crimp with no waste, nothing to jam the shredder and recycling friendly!

This Harinacs stapleless press is a great solution for those who would normally use a stapler but hate those pesky little metal staples.

In bright white, it's a stylish addition to your desk space but, more than that, it's so useful and convenient.

Use it fasten up to five sheets of paper with a neat crimp at the corner.  It holds with surprising strength until you want to separate the sheets - simply pull and they come apart.

To use, make sure your pages are neatly aligned and fully inserted into the press, following the guides.  After inserting the pages to be joined, the lever requires a fairly hard press to create the binding crimp.  You can do it in your hand but it's better to press onto a table or desk. 

The press does not create a hole in the paper but do note that pulling the pages apart may cause a tear at the corner.  The video below the product photos shows a complete demonstration.

The best thing about using this press is that there are no scratchy pins or staples and you do not need to remove anything when disposing of the paper.  Your thumbnail will thank you!

Great for keeping document pages together, fastening receipts, dockets, notes and for generally staying organizized.

Made in Japan.

Width: 9.3 cm
Depth: 3.3 cm
Height / Length: 8.4 cm
Brand: Hatsukoi HomeHatsukoi Home

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