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'Tenmoku' Japanese Tea Cup

Black Japanese tea cup with red stripe pattern
Black Japanese tea cup with red stripe pattern Black Japanese tea cup with red stripe pattern Black Japanese tea cup with red stripe pattern top view Black Japanese tea cup with red stripe pattern underside Black Japanese tea cup with red stripe pattern on dark kitchen surface Pair of Japanese tea cups with green and red stripe patterns Black Japanese tea cup with red stripe pattern Black Japanese tea cup with Japanese teapot Pair of Japanese tea cups with Japanese teapot

£8.00 each

2 in stock

While you sip your tea, take a few minutes to contemplate the calm, sophisticated style of these Japanese tea cups.  Or you could just stare out the window...

This traditional Japanese tea cup has a black tenmoku glaze featuring a red stripe pattern.

The light ceramic cup is ideal for Japanese and Chinese teas or other beverages such as sake.

The cups are made in a traditional way in the Arita area of Japan.

Width: 7.7 cm
Depth: 7.7 cm
Height / Length: 8 cm
Brand: Hatsukoi HomeHatsukoi Home

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