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Café Mug

'Drive in the Park' cafe mug set by Shinzi Katoh
'Drive in the Park' cafe mug set by Shinzi Katoh 'Drive in the Park' cafe mug set by Shinzi Katoh 'Drive in the Park' cafe mug set by Shinzi Katoh cafemug-park-04 'Drive in the Park' cafe mug set by Shinzi Katoh 'Drive in the Park' cafe mug set by Shinzi Katoh with gift box 'Drive in the Park' cafe mug close up 'Drive in the Park' cafe mug in table setting 'Drive in the Park' cafe mug underside

£12.50 each

4 in stock

Let's take a drive to the park and see how many birds we can find!

The white ceramic cafe mug set features a minimalist Scandi-style printed design in orange, olive green and black.  The text reads: 'There are many different kinds of birds in the park'.

Each mug comes with a small dish for serving sugar, biscuits and sweets or can be used to deposit your teabag and teaspoon.  Also useful for covering your drink while finding that perfect spot in the garden (or the park).

Designed and manufactured in Japan by Shinzi Katoh.

The diameter is 7cm, height of the full item is about 12cm and the height of the mug on its own is about 8.5cm.

Width: 7 cm
Depth: 7 cm
Height / Length: 12.2 cm
Brand: Shinzi Katoh DesignShinzi Katoh Design

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